nothing much except some pretty cool stuff... so maybe its not really nothing after all?
okok. enuf word twisting. friday was the industrial visit to
GE Engine Service Malaysia (GEESM for short. sounds corny)
which is very very cool. sadly, we couldnt take any pictures.
i pula uploaded all the pictures from my camera, clear memory all,
charge battery, even bring extra battery pack
and then when reach there, who bring cameras? u muz leave it here
i was like...... GG.... sianz =.= (kept quiet and store the camera into the bag)
P.S. I DIDNT TAKE ANY PICTURES OK =.= if i did it'll be all over my blog d
it was cool. learnt alot on aircraft engines which come to think of it
i've a research project to do which i think i'll do thrust systems... hm....
anyway, learnt alot of cool stuff.
like, the fan blades of a turbine engine is made from titanium. and it cost USD 22,000
per fan blade. and there are 34 fan blades on 1 turbine. my fren was like
WAH... can buy myvi d. ya.... not to mention 34 myvis.
BUT... even if u manage to get ur hands on 1 u cannot sell in malaysia cuz its
no 1 - illegal
no 2 - no titanium smelting plant in malaysia so cannot resell as scrap material
no 3 - no sell back value
oh well....... and alot of other stuff among that. but i seriously wished i could have
taken pictures T_T
then saturday had dinner with stephy's family. had dinner at port village
quite nice lo. hahaha.... like seafood restaurants la ^^ lolz
sunday went watch Soloman Kane with Silver and Zilius which IMHO i not bad
nice details, nice graphics, typical storyline, imba fighter, but better than i thought
so it was pretty cool over all. i dunno the actors though O.o


question. what is daniel doin on my car and y is my face so screwed up.
very good question if i may say so myself. the answer lies within the birthday
girl. due to some technical error in her videos that she took with her friends,
they couldnt use the videos so she asked me to make for her an ad about glasses

well, according to her, thats whats gonna happen without ray-bans la. i dunno how
she gonna market it but ya ^^
(lets hope her teacher dun see this and then found out i did for her >.<)
and yes.... if u cant see a car from that distance....
either u'r blind, or u really need very powerful glasses... Ray-bans ^^

either u'r blind, or u really need very powerful glasses... Ray-bans ^^

but its amazing how my windshield didnt smash or hood didnt dent
i wonder how the door opened though.... hm......
but all in all, we manage to act the whole thing out in thirty minutes and i finish the
picture and timeline edit within less than two hours
didn i mention that its an assignment from her COMMERCE SOCIETY in HING HUA?
i cant believe even society has assignment and that IT IS graded. chinese schools
FTW...... i think O.o
then it was her birthday ^^ happy birthday once again lil sis. even though
ur birthday is only on 15th but i still cant imagine u driving yet though XD

so yup.... her birthday that was filled with laughter, joy, advertisements and of coz...
nasi lemak ^^ my mum's nasi lemak pawns ^^ oh well. happy birthday again ^^
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